1. A Foosball Table
This social game is a blast and will make a comeback. Just so you know though, spinning the rods is illegal. Here are the OFFICIAL RULES if you must.
While searching through images of foosball tables looking for one similar to ours I came across this! Holy what?
Can you imagine how fun a game of six on six foosball would be? Outrageous!
2. A Pachinko machine:
Pachinko is a Japanese gambling machine. Imagine playing a verticle pinball machine where the flippers are broken and the only thing you can do is determine how much force you can apply to the course of the ball and there are multiple places it can go that possibly reward you with a cha-ching noise and more balls to play with. Wouldn't everyone like to play with more balls? Ummm well anyway it's kind of addicting and you must remember there was NO INTERNET and only two people I knew had cable TV.
3. A Jukebox
The Spotify of the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's...wait did we still use jukboxes in the 90's? Yes, but then they held CDs.
There is a kind of art form to playing records...well heck it exists today in the form of DJs, I suppose. What I mean is just getting that needle gently down on the vinyl takes a little concentration. Records were relatively expensive, so were the needles and you didn't want your drunk uncle putting the next record on.
But with a jukebox ALL you had to do was push two buttons, one letter and one number and then watch it do it's magic. I loved watching it. It was part of the ritual. The really cool thing for us though, was that Lisa, my sister and I could buy our own 45s for the jukebox and they were much less expensive than an LP.
Far and away the best 45 I ever bought was by Queen.
The B side was WE WILL ROCK YOU
The B side!
In that basement in 1979 we had foosball tournaments...obviously! Whoever won had the privilege to run over to the jukebox and press J5.
The A side of that 45.
And that is why this is the greatest 45 ever.