Maybe not 1st Gen, but I'd know what the tech was about and how to use it.
I remember distinctly when in 2008 Becky Moyes looked at my laptop which had my really sweet Myspace page loaded up and she said, "No one uses Myspace anymore."
I was like, "Ha. I beg to differ. I've got 123 friends."
She was 16 and smart as a whip.
So I joined Facebook and opened accounts for my wife and our cat.
And I vowed to try to remain on the cusp of the wave of new tech.
Until Snapchat and suddenly I felt like I finally understood the meaning of that Meatloaf song, "I would do anything for love, but, I won't do that."
So, I had to admit that, okay, I'm not going to keep up with everything.
So here's my problem.
I can't speak emoji.
I know a little sign language.
I've studied French.
I understand phrases in Italian, Spanish and Canadian.
But I don't understand emoji.
I might need to hire an emoji translator.
I mean, I know thumbs up and red heart but after that...