Actually, it was more like The St. James crew
They were the best team in the league
Broadway Show League
There was a Dad and his two sons
A bunch of crew guys
and Cady Huffman
They could play
They could really play
We were a new team
1st year in the league
But we were alright
I managed
which was both a joy
not a joy
Our team was mostly composed of performers
But we were good
Made it to the championship game
VS The returning champs
It was hot and humid
New York City summer kind of hot
I didn't like THE PRODUCERS
It wasn't rational I just didn't
They played fair
They were good
I didn't like them
Late in the game
It's tight
It's HOT
Like bend over and pour water on your head kind of hot
Pictured: Matt Allen |
Get a hold of one
and it's on
There were no fences in the Broadway Show League
If those guys had arms and wheels they could throw you out
They had both
I ran
Coming around third my leg buckles
I tear something in my knee
but score and we take the lead
Ultimately, we lose the game
Still though
One of the greatest moments of my life
By the way
Didn't miss a show
Walked funny for about 6 months
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