Thursday, November 6, 2014

I love sports. I love theatre. Here are my top 5 in both.

Theatre and sports are similar.  They are live.  They unfold before an audience.  They are dramatic. You are not ALWAYS sure what is going to happen next.  Now, some of you may say but plays and musicals have scripts and scores with music. Trust me, you don't always know what is going to happen next.

These are my top 5 sporting and theatre experiences.

5. 1979 Supersonics
I've said it before and I'll say it again, being a kid in the 70's was awesome and different. To remind you, there were no cell-phones or computers and the TV had maybe 5 channels.  We were encouraged to get outside, ride a bike, build a fort, stomp through streams and play make-believe and it was pretty close to pure.  Sometimes when I ponder those times I hear Daniel Stern's voice in my head, other times I think about Gus Williams...The Wizard.

It was the first time in my life I saw grown-up people lose their minds; cheering, whooping, honking their horns.  I recall the profound effect that collective group of adults celebrating had on me. I felt joy and a sense of community.

5. Ragtime @ Papermill Playhouse 2005

First of all, we rehearsed in 42nd Street Studios...if you ever get the opportunity to rehearse there I suggest you consider it greatly. It's a little like musical theatre heaven. You have to wear a name-tag for security.
Here is a picture of  42nd Street studios. Casey Marino is making a deal with his agent in the foreground. Scott Sussman is having a moment. I am in the distance looking off-picture right.There is a spider child on the floor.

The show was special. Stafford Arima cast me as Willy Conklin, the racist fireman. It was a challenge.The score moves me still.
Greg Stone and Matt Scott