Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Emoji Translator

For the majority of my life I've been an early adopter of new technology.
Maybe not 1st Gen, but I'd know what the tech was about and how to use it.
I remember distinctly when in 2008 Becky Moyes looked at my laptop which had my really sweet Myspace page loaded up and she said, "No one uses Myspace anymore."
I was like, "Ha. I beg to differ. I've got 123 friends."
She was 16 and smart as a whip.
So I joined Facebook and opened accounts for my wife and our cat.
And I vowed to try to remain on the cusp of the wave of new tech.
Until Snapchat and suddenly I felt like I finally understood the meaning of that Meatloaf song, "I would do anything for love, but, I won't do that."
So, I had to admit that, okay, I'm not going to keep up with everything.
So here's my problem.
I can't speak emoji.
I know a little sign language.
I've studied French.
I understand phrases in Italian, Spanish and Canadian.
But I don't understand emoji.
I might need to hire an emoji translator.
I mean, I know thumbs up and red heart but after that...

A text conversation with my wife

A text conversation with my wife

Her: Where are you?

Me: At the gym

Her: Are you going to the grocery store later?

Me: I can

Her: Would you do me a favor?

Her: Pretty please??!!!

Me: Of course

Her: Do you know where they keep the Zevia?

Me: You want Zevia?

Long pause with typing icon blinking

Her: Will you get me a six pack of Dr. Zevia?

Me: Thumbs up icon

A text conversation with my wife initiated by me

Me: Need cheese